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Market Insights

Bringing you the trading news around the world.

Don’s Notebook February 13, 2018

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So far this morning, U.S. stocks are holding onto yesterday’s momentum, where the S&P 500 Index spent the entire session positive for the first time since its last all-time closing high on Jan. 26.

Small business owners regained their high optimism in January following December’s retreat from November’s 13-year highs, with the National Federation of Independent Business Small Business Optimism Index rising 2.0 points 106.9.

Significant 4th QT earnings reports due today:

  • Blue Apron Holdings
  • Da Vita
  • Diamondback Energy
  • Diebold Nixdorf
  • Occidental Petroleum
  • PepsiCo
  • TransUnion
  • Under Armour

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