Real Estate
Stocks Hold a Key Level Again as the Economy Reopens

Stocks Hold a Key Level Again as the Economy Reopens

Stocks fell last week but held a key level. Attention will now focus on the economy reopening for Memorial Day. The S&P 500 initially tried to rally, only to fall on bearish comments from Dr. Anthony Fauci and Federal Reserve Chair Jerome Powell. At one point it...

Market Leading Housing Sector Has Important News This Week

Market Leading Housing Sector Has Important News This Week

Will housing stocks continue their epic run? The next few sessions may answer that question. Statisticians at the Commerce Department release the industry's most important numbers at 8:30 a.m. ET today: housing starts and building permits. Both have been pushing their...

What Recession? Chip Stocks Had Another Strong Quarter

What Recession? Chip Stocks Had Another Strong Quarter

Two strange things happened last quarter: Chip makers went up and health-care stocks went down. The Philadelphia Semiconductor Index ($SOX) rose almost 7 percent between June 28 and September 30. Meanwhile the SPDR Health Care ETF (XLV) slid about 3 percent. This is...